Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anchovy. Anchois.

3 Americans and one India eating Italian in a French restaurant. Weird! But wait it gets weirder.
We chose to go à la carte. I wanted to eat Pizza. The first was a Margarita. Hmm… I would prefer something better; not some plain Pizza Margarita. They were paying anyways. But what was Pizza aux anchois?
I had no idea what anchovy was. But I could not appear dumb before my American hosts! So I ordered Pizza aux Anchois. I don’t remember what my hosts ordered.
“Great choice!”
The pizza arrived. On it were 6 fishes arranged. I didn’t realize that anchovies are fishes and I don’t even eat fish!
I must have stared at the dish for a long time since one of my hosts asked me what the matter was. I told him that I do not eat fish.
“Then why did you order anchovies?”
No answer.
Another recommended that I scrape the fishes off and dig into the pizza. And I did. I almost puked. The taste of the fishes had permeated straight into the bread! My hosts almost fell off the chair laughing. The maître d'hôtel came anxiously to ask what the matter was.
I finally got a Margarita to eat.
Of all fishes, I am told, anchovies are the smelliest; even among fish eaters it is an acquired taste.
Guess which is the first word I learnt in French when I started learning the language?
Yeah! You got that right: Anchovy = Anchois.

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